Spring in town

It’s been a little while since I last blogged. Work has kept me busy and I’m just wanting to get back to what I enjoy. The weather is warmer and I’m excited to see the flowers bloom. I’m slowly getting myself ready to start brainstorming ideas for a book I plan on writing. I will be spending most of my time off work gathering all ideas and getting something put together. I’ll update everyone soon on how it’s going. One thing came to mind recently that got my attention. While I lay here in bed and wonder about life. I see that I’ve accomplished a good amount of stuff but still feel like I need to continue and create something for the world to see before I go. I hope this book I write can help me get to the finish line of hope and accomplishment. Until next time I hope everyone stays safe.

Appearance in life

There has been controversy over the coke company saying “be less white” and I’m still not sure how to feel about it. It hurt a little bit when I first read about it. I’m all about healthy conversations and respect for one another. I don’t care what someone looks like. I care about how we treat people and it seems like one’s appearance is offending someone. I don’t stand for hurting others and I help those who are struggling. I do everything in my power to make someone feel better or smile. Telling someone to be less of what they are can have tremendous harm on a mental side of a person. If I’m not good enough then why am I here. We are all special and need to show it more. I hope coke can redeem themselves.


Someday I hope to find my place in this world! I’ve been pondering what to do for a career that I could enjoy. I’m ready for that next chapter to begin but I’ve realized that I’m going to have to make the changes to move on to the next career path. I love creating something on paper or typing. Fiction has been my go to since the very beginning of my writing passion.

Hopefully I can find that idea and it will help others be creative and maybe inspire a young kid. Someday I’m going to make something so big that I’ll have to feel proud of myself! Someday I’m going to be able to look back and see how my actions are going to change ones look on writing. Love what you do and follow those dreams!

Shades of life

Let’s begin with an explanation of the title. I look back on different times in my life and whether it was good or bad I like to differentiate the situations throughout my life. There are shades of my life that I look back on and learn from them while other times I look back and wonder if this was a lesson worth learning or not.

I have had an interesting life thus far because of how it’s unfolded. I will start with my childhood and how my parents both struggled together. They seemed like the perfect couple looking back but there was a small part somewhere in between where things just didn’t seem right with them. They seemed inseparable mostly until they couldn’t stand to be around one another. You know I really wish they could have worked out their issues but it wasn’t meant to be! I’m grateful for the good times growing up and never will forget it. My parents loved watching football and I started to take interest in it back in 2005. College football was where it started for me and has continued to be an interest of mine. Pro football really started to consume my life in 2006 as an Atlanta falcons fan. What was ironic was in 2004 my family had bought a house and the falcons were honestly playing great football but by 2006 the team started to fall apart and my parents relationship was also beginning to fall apart. Timing seems to be everything and I’m seeing that more as I age.

I’m not hurt as much now compared to those days back in 2005/2006 when things were starting to turn bad. This brings up a topic I’ve had with friends and that is white privileged people. I certainly can’t be included in that category and neither should anyone. We all go through struggles in some way or another. I think if we work together and avoid pushing people away and can Unite as one then we can get rid of these offensive groups. People are so diverse whether you agree with that or not. We can all have opinions but when we start attacking verbally then things never get solved. I haven’t had the strongest life early on but now I can say life is pretty darn great! I’ve become a pretty decent person and I’m proud of that. I’m not perfect and never will be. Just ask my siblings and wife about me and they will say I worry all the time. The long and short of this post is to explain that we need to try and understand what sorta struggles we go through and how we can help others out around us instead of judging them by their appearance.

Psycho finale

So I’ve decided to have this be the final post on this theme! Psycho did something today worth sharing. They were working on salad bar and asked a customer to help her clean up a spill that was hard for her to reach! When I heard about this I laughed so hard! I’m ready though to find a topic that will really mean something important to my interest and no longer complain. I hope everyone is having a great week!

Life and wonder

I wonder sometimes about how we are in such a routine and how we just don’t really change our ways. We are stuck in our own worlds sometimes and then we wake up and notice someone else in it. The world is very fascinating and we learn a little bit each day. I’ve learned that there are good people in the world who have had tough times and I wish that we all grew up in smooth households. Life is to be learned each day and I learn about people all the time. I try my best to respect others and treat them well! It may be at at times but it can really change a person if you try! The people I work with for instance are very different but for the most part are very positive. It has been an adjustment over the years to get used to someone different at work but we are a pretty tight group! I walk in and have several conversations with them and it is fun to laugh and joke around with them too. I may seem to bash a coworker on here but they are not evil. They are very different and we’ve all had to adjust and just play nice! You think you know it all until you don’t! Just know that I’m working on myself and I’m learning each and every day! Love y’all!

Psycho 3

Psycho is from Bermuda for those wondering. She apparently thinks she’s black which confused the other coworkers who had heard her say that. She talks to herself randomly and appears so sweet from a distance. She told me a few weeks that either I’m eating good or my wife is pregnant and that just didn’t sound right but I wasn’t hurt. I’m not really surprised by anything she says anymore and neither are my coworker friends. We just laugh about it now and feel it’s worth sharing to another audience. Come back tomorrow for more crazy stuff.

Psycho 2

Today marks another day that psycho irritates the staff. She complains that the work stations are dirty and that she is the only peri who can save us all. Now that sounds like Jesus if you ask me. This psycho is no Jesus and just loves to annoy everyone. She thinks she’s a bad ass but I think she is just a bad bad annoying lady who never gives up. She may work hard but it’s for the wrong reason. Psycho will always be remembered in a not so good way. she won’t even work another station. She had refused to do anything else or help clean another station even if her boss asked her too. You will have to come back tomorrow for another story on the one and only psycho. She even tried to set up a coworker with a married man customer! You never know with her. By yall.

Pizza and family

Days off with family are the best! Time spent with my wife is the best! I love her more then anything! Any time I get with her is the best and with my parents as well! I’m grateful to have such amazing people in my life! I’m blessed to have days off I’m general. I hope writing can help me find a career that I will enjoy! We are going to eat pizza later tonight and I am beyond excited! I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

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